Amazon Success Story: Case Study: Sports Water Bottles: Seller Central - BellaVix

Amazon Success Story: Case Study: Sports Water Bottles: Seller Central


The client is selling sports water bottles on Amazon through the Seller Central Platform. They launched in March 2019. In January 2021 they partnered with BellaVix, a full-service Amazon account management agency, to help their growth on Amazon. 


While the demand for most of the products was increasing month over month, the client was struggling to drive the same traffic and have a desirable conversion rate in a specific parent. 


We developed a comprehensive strategy to improve product pages with the goals of improving the searchability and discoverability of the products, driving a higher conversion rate, increasing rankings, and building brand awareness and customer loyalty. Optimizations included optimizing the product copy with target keywords including product titles, descriptions, and key points.


Sessions and Page Views

  • A month after optimization we saw a 359% increase in sessions on a parent level. 
  • On an ASIN level, the growth was even more visible. We had products that had 0 sessions and after optimization reached over 1000 sessions. 
case study, sales increase, amazon, optimization, seller central
  • Page Views also increased by 347% on a parent level. The positive increase is also visible on an ASIN level, where we managed to grow Page Views from zero to over 1000. 
December 2021January 2022Growth
Product 13751983428.80%
Product 22911623457.73%
Product 33701715363.51%
Product 42001238519.00%
Product 52732340757.14%
Product 62211210447.51%
Product 75821891224.91%
Product 82851314361.05%
Product 92711997636.90%
Product 1001237100.00%
Product 1101201100.00%
Product 1201037100.00%

Sales and Units Sold 

  • Optimization once again has proven to be a critical factor in increasing organic traffic, product discovery, and creating demand. 
  • After optimization, sales increased by 256% on a parent level, and we saw a 248% increase in units sold on a parent level.
sales increase, amazon, seller central, optimization, case study


  • Sales increased by 256%
  • Customer orders increased by 249% 
  • Sessions increased by 359%
  • Page Views increased by 348%
Ordered RevenueGrowthUnits orderedGrowthSessionsGrowthPage views Growth
January 2022$84,554256%4,459249%38,809359%47,783348%
December 2021$23,7461,2798,44910,669

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