Selling on Giants Podcast: How to Beat Your Contents on a Content Level - BellaVix

Selling on Giants Podcast: How to Beat Your Contents on a Content Level



In this episode of Selling on Giants: The eCommerce Marketplace Show, Jana Krekic, a distinguished eCommerce expert and founder and CEO of YLT Translations, a company that provides professional translation services specifically for Amazon sellers looking to expand their businesses globally. Jana brings her extensive experience to the forefront. With a focus on Amazon listing optimization, keyword research, and international business strategy, Jana shares invaluable insights to help Amazon sellers boost their sales and expand into global markets. In the newest episode, Jana talks about the process of “How to Beat your Contents on a Content Level”.

In this episode, “How to Beat your Contents on a Content Level,” the conversation revolves around international market expansion and the common mistakes sellers make. We also emphasize the pitfalls of using machine translation for product listings, stress the importance of including keywords in listings, and highlight the need for human translation to maintain brand integrity. Additionally, we touch upon challenges in adapting content for foreign marketplaces and the appeal of the German marketplace for expansion. Don’t miss out on “How to Beat Your Contents on a Content Level”.


Key takeaways: / Short Summary:

 Common Mistakes in Expanding into International Marketplaces

  • Jana Krekic is the founder and CEO of YLT Translations, helping sellers achieve global success.
  • One common mistake sellers make is using machine translation instead of hiring professional translators, thinking it’s a cost-saving measure.
  • Machine translations may initially seem fine, but they can cause damage to listings as the content may not make sense or lack keywords.
  • Another mistake is having a beautifully designed listing without any keywords, making it difficult for customers to find the product.
  • Key elements for successful listings are images and keywords, which need to be effectively combined.

Challenges of Machine Translation for Brand Content

  • Many brands struggle to create proper content for foreign marketplaces.
  • Language and cultural differences can impact the effectiveness of translations.
  • Convincing brands to prioritize human translation over machine translation can be difficult.
  • Machine translation, such as chat GPT and AI tools, may not provide accurate translations for listings.
  • Machine translation tools can lose relevant information and create inconsistencies in content.
  • Examples of machine translation failures include mistranslation of product titles and offensive language use.
  • Proper translation is important for brand awareness and successful international expansion.

Importance of Proper Translation and Localization in Amazon Listings

  • When searching for products or categories, it is easy to find poorly translated machine-generated listings that do not resonate well with the audience.
  • Germany is a significant marketplace, but it has the highest number of refunds due to content misunderstandings caused by inaccurate translations.
  • It is crucial to carefully consider the content and key points of the products when writing listings for the German marketplace.
  • Using machine translation or neglecting keyword research in listings can end up costing more in the long run compared to hiring professional translation services.
  • Investing in proper keyword research, organization, and translation services can lead to potential sales increases of up to 40% compared to using robotic translations. Data from a recent case study showed that even image localization can have a significant impact on sales.

Importance of Localized Images and Keywords in Optimizing Amazon Listings

  • Localized images play a crucial role in increasing conversions and impressions on Amazon.
  • Customized images specific to each country help consumers understand product usage and ingredients.
  • Sellers can experience a significant increase in profits by translating images effectively.
  • Keywords also play a vital role in improving product visibility on Amazon.
  • Machine translations and chat GPT lack reliable connections and APIs for human data integration.
  • Successful listings on Amazon require content in the target language to stand out among competitors.
  • Many brands neglect to check their content, leading to poor listings compared to competitors.
  • Top-selling products in Germany often have only a few competitors with good content, while others lack quality keywords and content.

Selling on International Amazon Marketplaces

  • Foot mask has five top competitors, but only 15 overall.
  • German marketplace listings and content in English are crucial for reaching potential German consumers.
  • The first international marketplace to consider is the UK, followed by Germany, Europe, Mexico, and Canada.
  • Localization is important, such as using the term “nappies” instead of “diapers” in the UK.
  • BellaVix offers personalized support for marketplace management and growing brands.
  • There are specific traits and reasons to consider when selling on each international marketplace, such as proximity and convenience for Mexico and Canada.

Importance of Due Diligence Before Launching a Product in a New Market

  • The success of launching a product in a new market depends on various factors and requires due diligence.
  • Due diligence involves evaluating the product’s compatibility with the target market, such as Mexico, Canada, or Germany.
  • Use tools like Banalytics and product opportunity reports to gather data and understand the market potential.
  • Understanding the competition and analyzing their success can provide insights into the expected profitability.
  • Neglecting due diligence can lead to zero sales and failure in appealing to the target audience’s preferences.
  • Conducting some initial research can help assess the viability of expanding into a market without incurring additional costs.
  • Consider the challenging process of VATs and company registration in each country before making a decision.
  • Deep research ensures that time and money are not wasted by making uninformed choices.
  • Expanding into a new market may offer fewer competitors compared to the saturated U.S. market.

Conducting Market Analysis for International Sales

  • Different rules apply for selling products in the U.S. compared to Europe, such as the use of caps lock-in listings.
  • Due diligence is necessary to understand what is allowed and not allowed in each market before making any investments.
  • To determine market viability, it is crucial to engage with people from the specific country and ask if they would purchase the product on platforms like Amazon.
  • Utilizing survey tools, Facebook groups, and personal connections can help gather valuable insights.
  • Asking precise questions that prompt respondents to consider whether they or someone they know would be interested in the product can uncover hidden potential.

Tips for Assessing Market Potential and Success in an International Marketplace

  • Asking the audience for feedback is crucial as it provides valuable guidelines for the product.
  • Conduct a competitor analysis to determine if competitors are profitable in the target marketplace.
  • Use tools like Opportunity Explorer, Brand Analytics, and Helium 10 to evaluate the product’s profitability, sales volume, and competition.
  • Research other marketplaces besides Amazon to assess the need for the product.
  • Utilize Google Trends, Google Analytics, and Keyword Planner to gauge market demand.
  • Analyze competitors’ performance in both domestic and international markets to compare profit margins.
  • Examine search volumes and competitor content to assess keyword competitiveness.
  • Ensure sufficient stock availability and apply standard selling practices.
  • Seek input from the target audience to gauge their interest and potential demand for the product.

Success of Products in Different Marketplaces

  • Failing products can be successful in another marketplace based on various factors like competition, profitability (P&L), and market trends.
  • Analyzing brand analytics and search term frequency reports can provide insights into product performance.
  • Wooden toys perform well in Europe but have lower sales and search frequency in the US due to cultural differences and consumer preferences.
  • Paw Patrol toys are more popular in Europe compared to the US.
  • Portable ACs have high search frequency and sales in Germany due to climate change and lack of central AC installations. Note: This information highlights the importance of understanding cultural differences and market-specific preferences for successful product launches in different marketplaces.

Tips for Successful International E-commerce Marketing

  • Localization is crucial in international marketplaces
  • Different countries have different styles, cultures, and languages
  • Use the appropriate language for each marketplace
  • Modify the original text to include local cultural elements
  • Translate keywords for each language, as search terms vary
  • Conduct thorough keyword research for each country
  • Translate main images and any other relevant visuals
  • Ensure understanding for non-English speakers
  • Fluent understanding promotes higher sales
  • Consider the specific needs of the target audience


Tune in on October 17, 2023, at 12:00 pm EDT to listen to the whole conversation. Tune on some of BellaVix’s social media:

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