How to launch a product on Amazon - BellaVix

How to launch a product on Amazon

One of the most common questions we get from our customers is how to launch their first product on Amazon. Here are a few simple steps to follow when launching your product to improve your chance of organic growth and success in the long run.

First of all, the Amazon marketplace is definitely a platform worth using in 2022. Last year Amazon was responsible for 43.5% of US eCommerce, and ended the year with total revenue of $469 billion dollars. In simple terms that means that almost one in two products is being sold on Amazon. With these numbers in mind let’s focus on how to prepare your product for the Amazon marketplace.

Let’s start with the listing process and what tips and tricks we recommend in this section.
We use Amazon Brand Analytics and professional tools like Helium10 for keyword and ASIN research when strategizing a new product launch on Amazon. This way you can research the whole Amazon interface at a glimpse and find out important data for your product. After carefully setting up filters and going through hundreds and thousands of keywords, you will have a summary of the best ones to start your new product journey on Amazon. You should also search through closely related products. After obtaining the top 15 keywords you can start adding them to the title and the product description. This will help your product ranking.

Title – Carefully choose keywords and add them in a natural order, trying not to exceed 100 characters.

Inventory – Be careful to have sufficient items because running out of stock will negatively impact your listing and ranking.

Description/Product Detail Page – Be sure to add five bullet points. This is where your extensive keyword research will be used the most. Don’t forget to include product highlights and unique sales propositions.

Product Images – Include at least 7 images and 1 video for best performance and results. Images have to be high resolution and show the product from different angles. Include lifestyle pictures that are often neglected. Try to communicate product value and answer questions that customers might have. 

A+ Content – Amazon A+ content can increase your product sales by 10% according to Amazon statistics. First, you have to get approved as a brand owner through the Amazon Brand Registry process. A+ content lets you be very creative and insert branded content and additional keywords and descriptions that are crawled and indexed by Google and other search platforms.

– This is a vicious cycle because a new product will not have any reviews, but in order to be sold, it needs reviews. You can use Amazon Vine, which is a program that invites the most trusted reviewers (based on their reviewer rank) to leave a review for your product. This way you can quickly achieve the 15 reviews which Amazon suggests is the best number for a product to be retail-ready. Only after getting reviews can you move on to the next part of the product launch which is driving traffic through Amazon advertising. Doing otherwise will result in low sales volume and probably waste your budget.

Amazon Flywheel Effect

Driving Traffic

– Amazon highly values its customers and focuses on them getting the best experience while browsing their platform. This means that a new product will have to prove its relevance to customers. In order to appear for organic searches, you have to get sales for your product and grow your ranking. The only way to do this is to start using Amazon PPC for your newly launched product. It’s another vicious cycle but you have to start somewhere. Depending on how much competition is in your product’s niche, you could expect to invest a few dollars in order to start appearing in search results. This way you get clicks for your best keywords and your Click Through Rate (CTR), your ranking and your sales will start to grow. Your product is going to have a different ranking for each and every keyword that is relevant to it. Gradually growing the advertising side makes your product even more visible on the organic side. After investing in advertising your product will be more visible on Amazon and will generate more sales. This is called the “Amazon flywheel effect”.

Final thoughts
Having a performing listing on a registered brand will have a great impact on your new product launch on Amazon. After investing your advertising budget well, you will rank higher for relevant keywords on organic and paid searches. If you follow these two steps properly, your product will quickly get traction on Amazon.

Don’t forget to draw even more traffic to your listing through influencers on social media, or add Amazon coupons for a limited time.

If you would like help with your new product launch, just contact the BellaVix team today.

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