Nomenclature: Naming Your Amazon Advertising Campaigns  - BellaVix

Nomenclature: Naming Your Amazon Advertising Campaigns 

Nomenclature Naming Your Amazon Advertising Campaigns

Nomenclature: Naming Your Amazon Advertising Campaigns 

Consistency is key when naming your advertising campaigns. Having a well-considered process and naming convention from the very beginning keeps your advertising accounts structured and makes them more manageable. Processes may vary from marketer to marketer, but a lack of structure results in challenges when navigating and reporting in the long run. A clear process helps to keep hundreds of advertising campaigns organized and should consist of setting and following a hierarchy, selecting variables, and separating variables with a ‘separator.’ 

Campaign naming refers to the name you give your campaign in your advertising account. The basic idea of the campaign name is to provide the advertiser with a view of the campaign’s goal, the audience/keywords the campaign is targeting, and which product it is promoting.

Before naming your campaign, ask yourself the following questions: What is the purpose of campaign naming? Does the name have sufficient information to give me an overview of the campaign’s goal and setup? Can other people working on the account easily interpret the campaign names? What do I want to measure, and does the name help me with my analysis? Does this campaign share attributes with other campaigns? How can I group the data from these easily?

Creating a campaign naming convention saves you time, helps you gain better control over your advertising campaigns, and makes it easier to analyze the data.

Brand / non-brand: Brand bidding is a common practice to secure top positions, and this is especially useful if your SEO isn’t top-notch or to avoid your competitors piggybacking your brand name. Having the term ‘brand’ in your campaign name allows you to distinguish brand campaigns from non-brand campaigns. Labeling non-brand ‘NoLabel’ helps to filter much more easily for reporting. 

Product details: If you’re looking for a more detailed approach, you could consider adding elements like color, size, use, or material. It’s a good idea to put the ASIN in the campaign name, which allows fast filtering by product right in the console, which is not possible. 

Overview: When all your campaigns follow the same naming structure, you’ll get a better overview to spot trends faster. In addition, you can easily see if a product category is performing well on different ad types.

Control: When ad accounts keep growing into tens if not hundreds of campaigns, they can become unmanageable without consistent naming. Once you have chosen the variables you will use, stick to them. Also, remember to arrange variables hierarchically – start with ad type, targeting, product short description, and ASIN. This simple format is easy to follow. Don’t overcomplicate!

Reporting: Having good naming conventions can save a lot of time. Whether you do your reporting in spreadsheets, Data Studio, or another reporting solution, good naming opens up opportunities to group your data and report product, category, or any other variable you have chosen to use.  


Key takeaways:

  1. Keep it simple: avoid building an overly complicated naming structure.
  2. Preparation is vital: put some thought and effort into deciding the variables you want to use – it will save a lot of time in the future.
  3. Only necessary variables: choose variables based on your reporting, grouping, and filtering needs
  4. Be consistent: once you decide the variables you are going to use, stick to them.

What can we do for you? 

While the goal is to run a successful Amazon business, the larger your inventory gets, the harder it becomes to monitor and deal with issues that may arise. At Bellavix, we are dedicated to helping you monitor your account, solve any possible problems and make sure your business grows in sales and ranking. We have the experience and knowledge to create your account reach that next step.

If you have additional questions or want us to help you on your Amazon journey, don’t hesitate to contact the BellaVix Team


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