Understanding Key Metrics in Amazon Advertising: ACoS and TACOS - BellaVix

Understanding Key Metrics in Amazon Advertising: ACoS and TACOS

Understanding key metrics in Amazon Advertising ACoS and TACOS

Launching a brand on Amazon and venturing into Amazon advertising can be both exciting and challenging. As retailers navigate this new terrain, it becomes crucial to understand key metrics that can drive success and determine how much to invest. In this article, we will delve into two important metrics in Amazon advertising ACoS (advertising cost of sale) and TACOS (total advertising cost of sale). By understanding their meanings and implications, we aim to provide clarity on measuring campaign performance and optimizing ad strategies. Understanding-key-metrics-in-Amazon-Advertising-ACoS-and-TACOS-BellaVix

 What Is ACoS? 

ACoS, or advertising cost of sale, is a fundamental metric in Amazon advertising. It is calculated by dividing the total ad spend by the generated ad revenue. This metric allows advertisers to evaluate the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns and assess how efficiently their ad budget is being utilized. ACoS provides a clear picture of the cost incurred for generating each unit of sale through advertising.  

What is TACOS? 

TACOS, or total advertising cost of sale, provides a comprehensive view of advertising effectiveness. Unlike ACoS, TACOS considers the total revenue, including both organic and paid sales, in relation to the ad spend. By factoring in organic sales, TACOS offers a more holistic understanding of the overall impact of ads on the account s performance. TACOS is a valuable metric for assessing the true cost of advertising as it takes into account the entire revenue generated by the account, not just the revenue directly attributed to ads.    Understanding ACOS and TACOS for new brands  When launching a brand on Amazon, it is common for both ACoS and TACOS to be initially high. This is primarily due to lower conversion rates, a lack of positive reviews, and unrefined content. To drive as much traffic as possible, retailers often bid aggressively, even if it means paying more than the optimal cost. This aggressive approach aims to increase visibility and establish a foothold in the competitive marketplace.  Understanding-key-metrics-in-Amazon-Advertising-ACoS-and-TACOS-BellaVix

Interpreting ACoS 

ACoS percentages provide a measurement for profitability. A higher ACoS indicates that a larger portion of the ad spend is going towards generating each sale. Here is a breakdown of typical ACoS ranges: 

  • 70%: Extreme, almost certainly not profitable. It suggests that more is being spent on advertising than what is being generated in revenue. 
  • 40% – 70%: High, potentially appropriate for aggressive growth depending on profit margins. While profitability may be lower, the focus is on expanding market share and gaining traction. 
  • 15% – 40%: Medium, usually the sweet spot for sustainable growth while running ads profitably. Ad spend is proportionate to revenue generated, allowing for steady growth. 
  • Below 15%: Low, expected from mature accounts with well-established products or campaigns with narrow targeting. This suggests efficient ad spend and higher profitability.

Interpreting TACOS 

TACOS evaluation requires considering profit margins after the cost of goods sold (COGS) and various amazon fees. The optimal TACOS range is influenced by how much revenue is derived from ads. 

  • For established brands 10% – 25% TACOS allows room for growth and indicates a healthy investment for future development. This range signifies that advertising efforts are contributing positively to the account s overall performance.
  • Below 10%, TACOS is considered profitable or in a maintenance phase but may suggest underfunding products and missed sales opportunities. It s important to strike a balance between maximizing profitability and investing in growth. While a low ACOS can be more immediately profitable, a relatively low TACOS could signify underinvestment and missing potential sales and prevent the development of best selling products. 


Understanding the nuances of ACoS and TACOS is crucial for retailers venturing into amazon advertising. By understanding these metrics and their implications, retailers can make good decisions about ad spend, evaluate campaign performance and balance profitability with growth.  As brands mature, ACoS should naturally decrease over time. While TACOS can be optimized to leverage both organic and paid sales for long-term success, finding the right balance between these metrics will open the way for sustainable growth and thriving amazon campaigns.    Note: ACoS and TACOS ranges provided in this article are general guidelines.  

If you have any further queries or require assistance on your Amazon journey, feel free to reach out to the BellaVix Team. We are always here to help. 

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