Amazon Brand Registry: What is it? How does it work? Getting started. - BellaVix

Amazon Brand Registry: What is it? How does it work? Getting started.

Amazon Brand Registry: What is it? How does it work? Getting started BellaVix

Some may think Amazon Brand Registry is just another feature for getting your products into the Amazon marketplace (and paying additional fees). However, it’s much more than that, as the program has many benefits for your business. If you sell your own branded products, registering them with the Amazon Brand Registry helps streamline the selling process and protect your brand on the marketplace. This article will explain everything you need to know about the Amazon Brand Registry and why you should join it.

What is the Amazon Brand Registry?

Amazon Brand Registry is a program offered by Amazon that helps sellers to register their brands and products. Once you register your brand with Amazon, you can use various tools that will help you control your brand and streamline processes for getting your products listed on Amazon’s marketplace, as well as brand protection. Used wisely, Amazon Brand Registry can make you more competitive and boost your sales. 

How to Join the Amazon Brand Registry

Signing up for the Amazon Brand Registry is a pretty straightforward process. First, you need to create an account on Amazon Seller Central if you don’t already have one. You can do this by going to Seller Central and clicking ‘Sign in/Sign up.’ Once you’re in Seller Central, click ‘Brand Registry’ in the menu on the left side. From there, follow the instructions to create your brand and register it with Amazon.  

However, if you don’t have a registered trademark, you will need to register it. Amazon is also helpful here, so you can do this through Amazon IP Accelerator. Please visit the Amazon Brand Registry Eligibility Requirements page to check what trademarks are accepted and specific country requirements. 

The information you need for registering your brand are: 

  • The brand name with an active registered trademark
  • Trademark registration number provided by the Intelectual Property office (e.g. for the US, that is USPTO)
  • A list of categories

After the submission, Amazon will verify the information and confirm you as the Rights Owner of the trademark. The next step is receiving a verification code which you must send back to complete brand registration. Once Amazon verifies you, and they have confirmed your brand is eligible, you get full access to Amazon Brand Registry features and tools. That means you can start adding your brand(s). To do this, go to the ‘Manage Your Brands’ tab in Seller Central, click on the ‘New Brand’ button and begin adding your brand(s). 

For clarification purposes, you don’t need to have a registered trademark to sell on Amazon, but you need it if you want to become the brand registered seller. 

Benefits of Amazon Brand Registry

Brand Registry is a beneficial program for sellers who want to sell their own branded products on Amazon. There are many different benefits to joining Amazon’s Brand Registry, including: 

  • Brand awareness: sellers and brand owners are chargeable for their brand on the most popular marketplace, which means sellers are the ones in charge of their brand’s awareness on Amazon.  
  • Your brand will be trustworthy and legitimate. 
  • Access to Brand Registry Support allows Buy-Box prioritization and preferences to update your product listings.
  • Access to brand protection features: registering your brand will give you access to plenty of features and tools. These features and tools can be divided into several groups: 
    • Brand Health Tools (Prime Eligibility, In-Stock Rate, Competitive Price)
    • Customer Reviews
    • Search Term Optimizer
    • Brand Benefits Features and Tools (Brand Analytics, A+ and Stores, Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Display, Amazon Live and Amazon Attribution, Vine, Subscribe & Save, Product Bundles, and various experiments). 

Cons of Amazon Brand Registry

There are many benefits to Amazon Brand Registry, but there are also some downsides. One of the biggest cons of Amazon Brand Registry is that you aren’t able to “lock your brand.” Amazon will still allow anyone to resell your product as long they are not counterfeit. Amazon Brand Registry does not provide a feature to set up a list of authorized and restricted resellers. In the end, there is no way that someone other than the brand owner can file an infringement claim against other sellers.

Final Words: Is the Amazon Brand Registry Worth It?

In conclusion, Amazon Brand Registry is a beneficial program for sellers who want to sell their branded goods on Amazon’s marketplace. To join the Amazon Brand Registry, you must have an account on Seller Central and follow the instructions to register your brand. Only registered trademarks allow you to register your brand in the Brand Registry. Once you’ve registered your brand with Amazon, you will have access to many benefits and tools that will help you to increase your brand awareness, trust, and sales. Amazon Brand Registry is definitely worth all the efforts you need to put into registration.

If you have additional questions or want us to help you on your Amazon journey, don’t hesitate to contact the BellaVix Team

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