How To Increase Sales Further After a PPC Sales Hit Plateau? - Boutique Amazon Agency

Account Growth Case Study - Introducing our brand to new potential customers

Account growth case study - introducing our brand to new potential customers 3 BellaVix


The client is selling sports water bottles on Amazon through the Seller Central Platform. They launched in March 2019. In January 2021 they partnered with BellaVix, a full-service Amazon account management agency, to help their growth on Amazon.


  • Sponsored Brand Impressions increased by 65%
  • Sponsored Brand New-to-Brand orders increased by 75%


Increase sales after hitting a plateau

While we managed to increase their sales by 256% in Q4 2021 and Q1 2022 compared to the previous year, after achieving this, we found a new challenge we had to overcome - How to increase sales further after a PPC sales plateau and right after the holiday shopping season?

Account growth case study - introducing our brand to new potential customers BellaVix 4
Open up to Upper Funnel Traffic Account growth case study - introducing our brand to new potential customers BellaVix 5


Open up to Upper Funnel Traffic

As all marketers know, having a healthy Marketing Funnel goes a long way when it comes to scaling and keeping an ongoing growth trend.

While we were reaching and sometimes exceeding the Brands KPIs when it comes to PPC metrics like ROAS, TACoS and ACoS, we saw the need to tap into upper-funnel audiences in order to funnel these new people towards our “Buy Campaigns” . 

We opted to start with the Sponsored Brands campaigns and in Q3 we stepped on the gas for Display campaigns as well, but that’s another success story that we will present here, soon.

The Results

Increasing Top of the Funnel Trafic

Opening up our Sponsored Brands campaigns to more TOFU (Top of The Funnel) traffic increased our impressions from 3,961,955 in Q1 up to 7,736,415 in Q2

Account growth case study - introducing our brand to new potential customers BellaVix 11

As a result, New-to-Brand orders increased from 2,908 in Q1 2022, up to 6,352 in Q2 2022.

New to brand sales Account growth case study - introducing our brand to new potential customers BellaVix

The TOFU (Top of the Funnel) efforts from Q2 spilled also spilled into July, the first week of Q3 2022, which got more NTB orders(3,007) than the whole of Q1 of 2022. 

New to brand ordersAccount growth case study - introducing our brand to new potential customers BellaVix
Account growth case study - introducing our brand to new potential customers BellaVix q1 vs q2 impresions and growth

If you have additional questions or want us to help you on your Amazon journey, don’t hesitate to contact the BellaVix Team.

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