Substantial Year-Over-Year Sales Increase of Over 125% in Vitamins Minerals & Supplements Category - Boutique Amazon Agency

Substantial Year-Over-Year Sales Increase of Over 125% in Vitamins Minerals & Supplements Category



One common challenge that advertisers face on Amazon during the Black Friday to Cyber Monday (BFCM) period is increased competition. The holiday season is peak shopping time, and many advertisers ramp up their advertising efforts to capture shoppers' attention. This competition can lead to higher advertising costs as more advertisers bid for ad placements, making it more challenging for individual advertisers to maintain visibility and cost-effectiveness.

In the Health & Household Category, more specifically in the Vitamins Minerals & supplement category, we have seen an increasing trend in interest since November 17th. That means one week prior to Black Friday. Planning and having well-structured advertising campaigns to cover the full funnel is essential.

At BellaVix we developed a strategy to maximize sales. We prepared a new awareness campaign to enhance brand visibility during BFCM. We integrated a  wide range of targets to pursue throughout the customer journey using product ads, video ads, as well as display ads. Of course, most of the advertising budget was spent on keyword targeting in Sponsored product campaigns which included high-volume keywords, best-selling keywords, and close targeted competitors.


At a category level, brands invested the most in sponsored product campaigns, covering up to 47.63% of the sponsored efforts. This was followed by featured products with 23.03%, Video Ads with 19.10%, and top search SB with 10.24%



  • 125% Increase in sales YoY 


Research and Preparation

Advertising spend has doubled in this period compared to the previous week. The higher demand, coupled with securing most of the available advertising spots, significantly contributed to a remarkable upswing in Total Sales for our client. However, upon analyzing the broader landscape within this category, it becomes evident that there is untapped potential for our client to further enhance their market share. By strategically fine-tuning the allocation of advertising budgets, we are set for a trajectory that promises to elevate our client's year-over-year performance. These adjustments not only capitalize on the current momentum but also position the brand for sustained growth in the competitive market landscape.

When comparing to last year’s sales, our client has seen an increase of over 125%. This outstanding growth in advertising spend and total sales is a testament to the effectiveness of our strategic approach. By doubling the advertising investment during this critical period, our client capitalized on the heightened consumer demand and secured a dominant presence in the competitive landscape. The substantial year-over-year increase of over 125% in sales showcases the impact of our targeted advertising efforts. To further optimize our client's market position, we are now focusing on leveraging data analytics to identify specific product lines and audience segments with untapped potential. By refining our targeting strategies and capitalizing on emerging trends, we aim to unlock additional avenues for growth and solidify our client's position.



Achieving success during major retail events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday necessitates a well-rounded strategy for brands to maximize sales and enhance brand visibility. Following trends, ensuring you have inventory, and implementing diverse advertising initiatives are crucial components of this comprehensive approach.

If you have additional questions or want us to help you on your Amazon journey, don’t hesitate to contact the BellaVix Team.

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