Prime Early Access Sale Summary & Performance Recap - BellaVix

Prime Early Access Sale Summary & Performance Recap

Prime Early Access Sale Summary & Performance Recap 1

Prime Early Access Sale showed increased demand on Amazon for sellers resulting in better conversion rates, lower cost per acquisition from advertising, and more sales. 

Shoppers are looking to start their holiday shopping early this year. This is clear as some of the most successful categories reported were toys & apparel.  A lot of press stated that Prime Early Access Sale (PEAS) was soft and did not live up to Prime Day. An unfair comparison, as the event drove traffic and conversions during the holiday period.

According to Amazon’s recap, more than 100 million items were sold over the two-day event, primarily by small and medium-sized businesses. Apparel, Home, Toys, and Amazon devices are best-selling categories worldwide. 

Here are some highlights we noted in our portfolio of clients spanning across most major categories on Amazon. 

Avg Sale Growth BellaVix Clients PEAS 2022

For the Prime Early Access Sale, BellaVix clients saw an average increase of 94.25% in sales when compared to Oct 1-8. But, the average sales for the event were still 57.67% less than Prime Day.

Prime Early Access Sale Summary & Performance Recap sales performance

Typical to most major events on Amazon, we noted improvements in conversion rate, ACoS, Cost-per Acquisition, and TACoS. We also noted an increase in spending during the period to keep up with the increase in demand. 

Prime Early Access Sale Summary & Performance Recap PEAS Advertising Breakdown

PEAS was a success by our standards as it kicked off the holiday season. Many shoppers were shopping for very giftable items at a competitive prices. As the season progresses, we recommend making your promotions relevant and significant to break through the holiday noise. Be bold, or run the risk of an ok holiday season. We know shoppers are more price sensitive and go out of their way to find deals. 

If you need additional help with your Amazon journey, don’t hesitate to contact the BellaVix team.

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